Saturday, August 31, 2019
Responses to Three Employment Law Encounters Essay
Fast Serve Inc. is a 25 million company, which employs more than 350 people involved in the direct marketing of branded sports apparel. The company decided to open two online marketing and 10% of the workplace was moved to manage the online distribution. After several months, the company noted that they were being affected by this last measure and was going to have to take steps to ensure that the Company is not affected. I am the senior manager in human resources department and was given the task of having to choose three of six employees for layoffs. As responsible leaders and managers have the task and responsibility to evaluate them in a fair and equitable way for all parties. The Company had a record of the human resources department as these six employees had performed their work for the past two years. Be evaluated on performance, Productivity, Special achievements, educational qualification, skills and job responsibility and absenteeism. Firing people is not an easy matter but we have to understand that companies go through changes and you need to change strategies so our companies succeed in, but we have to keep in mind is that we do it in the best way for both parties. After doing an extensive analysis and consultation with legal counsel and others from the company arrives to terms of whom would be the three selectedà for layoff. The first was Carl Haimes, though his performance and Productivity was average had some things that made me think it was not so important for the company, evaluating his special achievements he had nothing significant in the past two years and this was an area that was assessed with greater weight and do not want to leave people with high recognition off the company. The performance and other things I realized that Haimes was not essential to the company, but the lawyer told me that it would not be a good time to lay off Because he could argue discrimination based on sexual orientation. The 1964 civil rights acts protects you from any act of discrimination and this could be detrimental to the company if Haimes says there is a kind of discrimination by the company. After several analyses it was decided to continue with the decision to layoff Haimes although this remains to be seen in court since Haimes joined an association to protect the gay community and will go against us for discrimination by sexual orientation. Sarah Boyd is a lady who has a lot in the company but its overall performance is average and does not have any special achievement, though it is painful for many years working in the company this is the second selectedà for layoff. We were initially concerned that his age and the Age Discrimination Act could affect our company, but we had doubts that it would go against the company to which he had so much respect and for which he had worked for so many years. After evaluating and analyzing deeply Mrs. Boydââ¬â¢s situation it was decided to talk with her and her supervisor and explain them that layoffs in dispatch are inevitable and work out to make a severance package that is fair and acceptable to Mrs.à Boyd and to the company. Jenny Mills is the third selected to layoff; her work is average and has no special achievement. Although his work is satisfactory overall their performance skills are not critical. In spite of that I and the lawyer and other people felt it was the best decision we were afraid there was something that could affect the company, she is pregnant and we as leaders and managers need to know that there are laws that protect pregnant women. Pregnancy Discrimination Act which says that any employee canââ¬â¢t force women to leave their jobs because of their status and if this is done it would be violating and discriminating against women. But after analyzing the situation was stipulated to continue his layoff because she has skills that are non critical and therefore would be giving his layoff with a more compelling reason. We have to be very careful about making decisions in companies, we have to advise us well and be very aware of all the laws that protect the company and employees.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Criminal Justice Paper
In order to succeed at something so selective and challenging you must understand the cause and truly feel the duty it brings to you. Those that possess the characteristics for becoming a police officer could not do anything but be a police officer, its something you're born with and that you feel. It chooses you, you do not choose it. For many in this world the thought of crime scares them. It brings out the fear Of violence, drugs, and the images of some Of the worst places or scariest people this world has to offer. It gives officers of law enforcement it gives the Houghton of opportunity to make a difference.The times in which most run away, officers of law enforcement run towards. To be a police officer it is not about the paycheck, it is not about the power it gives to you over another citizen. Its the ability to make a difference and impact society, the ability to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Being a police officer is not something you chose to do; it is someth ing that chooses you. It's not just a job, it's a lifestyle, its not just a paycheck but a way of life, those that are destined to become police officers don't ââ¬Å"turn it off' after their shift is over, hey don't call out sick, and they don't work regular hours.Police officers sacrifice; they sacrifice their time off, time with family and friends, but most of all they sacrifice themselves and their own well being for the good of those in which they vow to protect and serve, they sacrifice through every single way possible and in some cases they make the ultimate sacrifice. The life of a police officer is not for the faint of heart. It's not for someone who doesn't fully feel and know in their heart that there is no other profession or road of life they could be on other than that of an officer of the law.Ever since I was a child have been infatuated with the police and law. Remember as a child running around my grandparents neighborhood playing ââ¬Å"relieverâ⬠with my fri ends and always wanting to be the team tasked with capturing the other kids, or riding our bikes around the neighborhood pretending to pull one another over and issuing fake tickets, sometimes even arresting each other and using the cheap plastic handcuffs from the drugstore to put the ââ¬Å"suspectâ⬠into custody.One of my most vivid memories and the one I believe captured my attention to truly make me feel that coming a police officer was the life path I was destined to take was watching cops with my grandmother. I remember fondly sitting on my grandfathers lay-z-boy becoming instantly fascinated with the different traffic stops and dispute calls the police would perform. I remember every episode, I would become so engrossed with what was happening and the different calls the officers would go on that I would imagine was with them and going along as a fellow officer assisting in the arrests.Throughout my life, my opinions and personality changed. Every three years it seemed I was a totally efferent person than the one before, but one thing that always remained was that wanted to be involved in law enforcement in one way or another, I wanted to be a part of the brotherhood and to make a difference, I knew that had the ability both intellectually and integrity wise to get through law school and become a lawyer but knew from a young age sitting in an office wasn't what I wanted to do, I wanted to impact my community in a positive way through law enforcement, I wanted to be down on the street, in the thick of it. Anted to see and handle the crime and the thugs first hand; I wanted to be he face Of law enforcement. The characteristics of the job that made most people deflect away are what attracted me the most. The long hours, the threat of danger and adrenaline rushes, even the middle class pay grades, they all intrigued me and made me want this type of lifestyle even more.As I got older looked into law enforcement more and more and with much more scrutiny and detail, I heard the positives and negatives, the risks and the rewards, and the one thing that always stuck out in my mind was the fact that no matter what I heard or what learned about the career, never lost interest. I never became deterred, I always carried myself as someone who wanted a future career in law enforcement. While some of my friends got into trouble growing up and during high school I made sure to keep my nose clean.I always spoke to everyone with respect and a professional tone, I took my part time jobs seriously and I made good impressions on all those that I met. Felt, and still do feel, that you cannot make a leader, leaders are born. I firmly believe the same goes for police officers, you cannot take anyone and transform them into a police officer, you can only hope that those that possess the qualities of police officer realize their gift and pursue the career.This mentality has driven me to change myself physically, mentally, and it has also caused me to change the views of those around me. When I was younger and I brought up the fact that I would like to become a police officer my parents were not thrilled. They did not want me to spend my career in danger handling the worst people that society has to offer. They wanted me, like most parents, to become a doctor or lawyer, have a comfortable life both financially and personal safety wise. Knew that was better suited for being a police officer out on the street.I did not care about the money or social sacrifices I would have to make, but most importantly I did not value my personal safety over those that looked up to me, this I believe is a huge quality and characteristic of police officers, to wake up every day and know that you may have to lay down your life in order to protect a complete stranger, not everyone could do this. I learned that I possessed this quality during my years as a high school athlete, I played goalie for my high school lacrosse team.I played a different positi on prior to high school but my freshman year the captains came to the am and asked for someone to step up and play goalie, I was the only one in my class to raise my hand. In all of sports, a lacrosse goalie is ranked as one of the top 3 most dangerous positions because the solid rubber ball in the sport travels at a speed of 80 to 95 MPH. The goalie wears almost no pads other than a helmet, chest pad, gloves, and an athletic cup. Throughout a season a goalie suffers severe contusions all over their body and on top of this, they are the last line of defense for their team.The position is a high risk- low reward position. If the team wins, they overlook your saves and focus on he players who scored the winning goal but if you lose everyone looks at you for the amount of goals you let in. Most importantly the position is chaotic, hectic, loud, and fast paced and you need to make a decision quickly. The average goalie has . 2 seconds to make a decision during a game. Therefore you must possess the ability to think quickly on your feet, read, evaluate, and act on a situation extremely fast. This is a huge characteristic of a being a police officer. New that the position was not for everyone, if it was easy everyone would do it was my philosophy, did not question why no one else raised their hand hat day at tryouts but rather did the job knowing that others relied on me. The same applies for that of a police officer. Police officers don't consider the dangers of the job they do, the risks they take every day and the low rewards that come with the job. The greatest reward is something no one else can see, it's something you feel. It's knowing that you are part of select brotherhood of others that do everything they can, and then some, to make the world safer.There are many different forms of law enforcement in the world. I have chosen to pursue the route of a field officer, someone who goes out and tops crime first hand. I have looked at becoming a lawyer or someone who is a part of the processing aspect of law and the one field of law enforcement that speaks to me and attracts me above all others is that of a field officer, or police officer. I have said before that those that are police Officers do not know why they wish to be a police officer, they just know that it is something that has chosen them.I have looked at the different law enforcement agencies on all levels from federal to state to local. Have narrowed it down to two different possible agencies that am pursing and hoping to be employed tit, these are, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Delaware State Police. The FBI is on the federal level while the ADS is on the state level. Each have their own responsibilities, mission statements, duties, and specialized departments within. Before I pursue a career with either of these departments I am attending college and receiving a bachelors degree in ââ¬Å"Criminal Justiceâ⬠.After college commencement I will be enlisting in the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate School and serving my country on the national level as a united States Marine Officer for 4 to 6 years of my life. I have chosen the Marines because they claim to be the best. Their motto is ââ¬ËThe few, the Proud, the Marinesâ⬠. This has always struck me in a positive, almost challenging way. Other military organizations ask you to join them giving you a list of opportunities and rewards they can give you.The Marine Corps challenge you to join them, they tell you what you can do for them and earn for yourself in the process, they offer the hardest and longest training process out of all the military services and, just like the ADS, they claim to be the best organization out there. Eve always wanted to be a part of the best unit can be. Always wanted to be the best of the best. Feel that there is no other option then to push yourself to the Max and to never Stop trying to get better at everything you possibly can. Eel that obt aining a college degree and becoming an officer in the Marine Corps will help separate me from others in the selection processes of both the FBI and the ADS. Both of these organizations have rigorous and intense selection processes taking on average at least a year to go through both select candidates for specialized training to transform them into effective and capable tools of law enforcement. Eel whole heartedly that the Marine Corps will help prepare me for the discipline and training will endure during the selection process and training periods of both the FBI and the ADS, should I be accepted into these organizations.The Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, is a federal police organization that focuses on neutralizing and preventing crime that are too large and diverse for police agencies on the local and state levels. Their mission statement is, ââ¬Å"To protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the crimin al laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, mission statement, 201 2) The FBI has numerous specialized units; in fact, it's safe to say that they are nothing but specialized units that all work together under one name and for the same cause, to protect the United States. The FBI has field units in security, SWAT, drug enforcement, national security, air security. They also have law units that investigate and chase down some of the country's worst criminals; they sometimes go global in order to track threats against the United States.You can be a linguist and handle language barriers, field agents, they also have a hostage rescue team. The FBI selection process is unbelievably intense there are seven steps to the process. There is the online application process which is the first step and gets your name in the system along with your accomp lishments and attributes. Then comes the written test portion which covers your situational judgment skills along with your logical reasoning skills. The second phase Of testing includes a written paper testing portion along with an interview from a anal of FBI board members.The next phase is a conditional letter which must be written by a member of the FBI board and approved, giving you permission to continue and take the physical testing portion of the selection process. This tests your ability to run in both a sprint and a timed mile run and do sit-up and pushup in timed fashion. If you complete and pass these qualifications you are submitted to go through a thorough background check by the FBI and if everything in your background check checks out you are submitted to go through a medical examination to see if you are in proper hysterical health to be an agent in the FBI.The selection process for the FBI is rigorous, in depth, and competitive. They select only the best candidates and those that they think will perform the job to the best of their abilities to help out the bureau in every way possible. The Delaware State Police, ADS, is a state level organization that specializes in the governing three counties in the state of Delaware. Unlike other state police agencies, the ADS not only patrol high ways and enforce traffic violations, they also handle all other police priorities that local police agencies handle as well.The average Delaware State Trooper on a typical day will handle traffic violations and answer domestic dispute calls. They handle crimes ranging from felonies to misdemeanors. The ADS have canine units, detectives, undercover units, scuba units, SWAT units, air units, and patrol officers. As a Delaware State Trooper you can be a part of any of these units as long as you apply and pass the testing for each. The mission of the ADS is, ââ¬Å"To enhance the quality of life for all Delaware citizens and visitors by providing professional, compe tent, and compassionate law enforcement services. Delaware State Police, Mission Statement, 2012). Like the FBI, the ADS selection process is insanely rigorous and intense, it takes roughly a year to complete and over 1000 applicants apply and out of those, only 23 are selected to become Delaware State Troopers (Tap. 1st class Jewell, A. 2012). The selection process contains a written process after being accepted from an online application. Once the written process is done an oral board interview is conducted.If you pass that you are then submitted to the physical fitness portion of the selection process and tested on your ability to reform sit-ups, pushup, and a timed mile run. If you pass the physical fitness portion you are then submitted to undergo a polygraph exam and fill out a background investigation packet while also being investigated by the police department's investigation unit and interview teams. If all of this is completed and you pass, the ADS will decide on whether or not to admit you to the Delaware State Police Training Academy located in Dover, Delaware.In review of both of these organizations have decided that I will pursue a career with the Delaware State Police as primary career source and the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a secondary career source, as I reviewed and compared both of these organizations have sided with the ADS because of their primary cause which is helping make the community safer on more of a local and state level rather than focusing on a national level. Want to help the people in my community and perform the tasks and duties that are required of the Delaware State Police more so than the Federal Bureau of Investigations.I have failed to list the pay grades of both of the organizations as in my personal beliefs I do not feel that is important, in becoming a ember of law enforcement, such a police officer, it is not about the money. Police officers do the job because it is a calling, the fact that the job pays you is a bonus, police officers don't go into work because of the paycheck they go into work every day with the intentions of doing something good for the community and impacting it in a positive way, they chose this career not because of the pay but because they wouldn't be able to do anything else.If you hear the call Of law enforcement there is no escaping it, you must answer it and until you do so you will not feel fully and truly satisfied. This isn't just a bob but a lifestyle. As stated above, I plan on obtaining a 4 year bachelors degree in criminal justice and serving 4 to 6 years in the SUMS. I feel that taking this route before pursuing my career as a Delaware State Trooper will better prepare me both mentally and physically for my tasks as a police officer, as it will also help me standout in the selection process.I have also gone on multiple ââ¬Å"ride-alongâ⬠with the Delaware State Police and seen firsthand the day to day calls and activities of a State Trooper. Th is career has called me and I am in the process of answering it, one step at a time. Eve kept my nose clean and stayed out of trouble, I will not jeopardize myself and my future career with reckless behavior. ââ¬Å"If it was easy, everyone would do it'- unknown, that quote sums up my entire attitude towards life, I choose to perform the jobs, duties, and tasks that most do not wish to perform. Eel it as my duty and a sense of guilt comes over me when I do not fully undergo and take down these tasks. Believe this is the mentality most police officers and those that have heard the calling feel. The undoubted need and want to help, they undertake the jobs that most would not. In times of peril it is the police, firemen, paramedics, and military personnel that run toward the danger. This is something that cannot be explained by anyone in any of these fields; it is something that is understood as special and unique to a certain breed of individual.Police officers don't question the thou ght of chasing an armed suspect down a dark alley, they just do. Firemen don't wonder why they go into a burning building as others run out, they just do. Paramedics and military personnel don't realize that they are saving lives by risking their own well being, they just do. The sense and feelings of being in one of these positions cannot be explained, many of times my parents, family members, and friends have asked me, ââ¬Å"Tom why do you want to be a Marine? Or Police Officer? And every time I tell them the exact same thing, ââ¬Å"If you have to ask me, you wouldn't understandâ⬠. No one besides a police officer understands why they do it, risk their lives for complete strangers for low amounts of pay, long hours, and low social rewards. They don't do it for any of the reasons above, they do it because it's their duty, it's who they are, and it's ingrained in heir blood and DNA The ability to be a police officer is a unique and special trait; it's not just a career but a l ifestyle.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Go Green
You hear the word recycling or going green many time trough the years. It is such an important environmental issue and yet, not much is done about this issue. If you ask a random person on the street what they think about recycling, they would say ââ¬Å"itââ¬â¢s good for the environment. â⬠Even though there are so many things said about going green or recycling, not much is done. Recycling can help the environment and we the creatures all around the world.Recycling is important for the environment because recycling reduces greenhouse gas issue and helps stem the dangers of global climate change. If people do not recycle, there would be habitat loss for the many species of magnificent creatures that accompanying us. Recycling reduces the need for raw materials so that the rainforests can be preserved. Possibly a more important reason to recycle is because it will reduce pollution risks in our society.The most obvious way is by keeping waste out of landfills, which introduces contaminants and other toxins into groundwater systems. Recycling also keeps materials out of incinerators, which pollutes the air and create severe ash residue, which is very dangerous for the health. Furthermore, reduce financial output in the economy, making products from raw materials costs much more than if they were made from recycled products. What can you do to recycle? Here are three easy steps you can do.Firstly, you can separate plastic, aluminum, glass, and paper, into different container or bags. Secondly, you can turn the water off when youââ¬â¢re not using it. Thirdly, you can switch to energy- efficient light bulb, which saves you money. In conclusion, Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the world in which we live. Recycling is important to both the natural environment and us. By doing at least three things can help the planet which we stand.
Reflection paper on the experience of a student that visited a Native Essay
Reflection paper on the experience of a student that visited a Native American Sweat Logde - Essay Example Though I lacked a deep understanding of the Native American theology and religious beliefs, still the sweat lodge experience left me feeling cleansed and refreshed. To begin with, before I actually experienced the sweat lodge ritual, I felt a bit anxious and curious. I was really eager to be a part of a religious experience that is so important to the Native American culture. Yet, I also felt anxious and a bit afraid, doubting my ability to understand the larger meaning and relevance of a Native American sweat lodge ceremony. Irrespective of this, I decide to approach the whole experience with an open mind and to restrain myself from being judgmental of a theological tradition that was new to me. I am glad to say that I did not comes across any major hurdles in being a part of the sweat lodge ritual I attended. I realized that the theology marking the sweat lodge ritual happened to be profound, yet easy to grasp and relate to. I found that the people who belonged to the Native American tradition or those had attended a sweat lodge ceremony before had taken great care to prepare them self for this ceremony. Eager to know more about it, I questioned some of them as to how they prepared them self for the sweat lodge ceremony. I found out that they had resorted to fasting, prayer sessions and some cleansing rituals to prepare themselves well in advance. It was really moving to find out the sense of reverence and respect with which these individuals prepared them self for the sweat lodge ceremony. It clearly showed the kind of spiritual importance and relevance they associated with this ceremony. So I decided to pray with these people, to be able to relate to the whole experience with a sense of reverence and solemnity. The attitude of many of my partners there amply conveyed to me the fact that I was going to be a part of something really deep and sacred. I
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
What were the World War 2 goals of the United States and its allies, Essay
What were the World War 2 goals of the United States and its allies, and how were they achieved in battle and in wartime conferences - Essay Example But in order to do this, the United States had to join hands with the Soviet Union (under Joseph Stalin), despite ideological differences between the two nations. Great Britain was the third member of this coalition, which is referred to as Allied Powers. The ultimate defeat of Germany was achieved by a concerted attack on two fronts. On the Eastern front, Soviet Union forced German troops to retreat further toward Berlin, while on the Western front American troops stormed onto the shores of Normandy in France despite heavy resistance. But prior to this strategic military operation, the three leaders of the respective nations, namely Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin met in a conference to chart out their combined strategy. So the eventual success of the United States in World War Two should be attributed to strategic diplomatic and military moves on its
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Impact Of Financial Crisis On The Capital Structure Decision Making Of Essay
Impact Of Financial Crisis On The Capital Structure Decision Making Of The Firm - Essay Example The underlying discussion has developed the reference from the literature related to the capital structure theories and the brief about the financial crisis of late 2000s. The discussion also addresses the firmsââ¬â¢ response to the financial crisis by adjusting mix of the capital structure. Therefore, for clear assessment along with overall global assessment, capital structure adjustments of Tesco and Dell have been discussed in the report. The report also has presented alignment of the responses of the capital structures with theories. FINANCIAL CRISIS Financial crisis have always been the dominant factor for determining trends and practices in the economic scenario. A financial crisis traces the reasoning from the excessive loans such as sub-prime mortgages as well as financial instrument of debt derived from such loans (Mizen 2008). Crisis originated from US in late 2000s spread across Europe and then to world owing to the benefit of diversification that businesses attempted t o gain from spreading risk across local and international markets (Fosberg, 2010). First strong hit from financial crisis and its intensity was revealed in late 2007 upon the Bear Stearnsââ¬â¢ declaration about evaporation of the value of major assets held by Bear Stearnsââ¬â¢s hedge funds. ... ct of financial crisis then resulted in continuity as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac declared bankruptcy in third quarter beginning of 2008 followed by government takeover. Similar month also witnessed another major shock from financial crisis as Lehman Brothers declared bankrupt and immediately next day another giant AIG ended up receiving $85 billion credit facility from NY Fed to sustain. Efforts to sustain the steep fall of the financial stability of bank and institutions Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was launched (Fosberg, 2010). TARP performance has also been bringing losses to treasury as TARP invested US $25 million in the bank while managed to fetch only US $13.5 million on sale of preferred stock of invested in financial institutions. TARP is also actively making efforts in closing down its program for banks though it still held the share for 199 banks (Sparshott, 2013). Being international firms, all these apart from impact on local financial market had detrimental impa ct on the international financial markets and hence international firms locally. Estimation of the reasons of the financial crisis, other than the core reason of subprime loans backed by subprime mortgages, has been found many. Such as among various factors discussed for fact has been the claim to the performance of respective roles of asymmetric information etc (Miglo, 2010). Further, another core factor along with dominant role of agency problem mounted the issue. Agency problemsââ¬â¢ role was initially ignored to be addressed for the level of attention required (Miglo, 2010). In addition to these, role of already stressed factors such as taxes and bankruptcy cost in capital structure theories were receiving less attention in operational practices and hence contributed to the financial
Monday, August 26, 2019
Immigration Reform in the U.S. Concerning Illegal Aliens Research Paper
Immigration Reform in the U.S. Concerning Illegal Aliens - Research Paper Example Another study conducted in May 2006 by The New York Times and CBS News asked respondents, "How serious a problem do you think the issue of illegal immigration is for the country right now: very serious, somewhat serious, not too serious, or not at all serious" (p. 4). Fifty-nine percent of respondents felt illegal immigration was a very serious issue. Illegal immigration reform must include two basic methodologies to deter illegal immigrants: secure US borders so illegal aliens do not enter the country, and eliminate job prospects so that illegal aliens do not stay. This will radically limit the number of illegal immigrants arriving and staying in our country. The United States wants aliens to immigrate legally to augment a highly skilled workforce, for example research specialists, highly skilled technicians and educators. The United States also wants sources of cheap labor for non-skilled positions such as agriculture workers, housemaids and restaurant dishwashers. Many American business and government entities make the plea that illegal aliens work on jobs that legal migrants and U.S. citizens will not do. On the other hand, illegal alien employment remains a direct threat to U.S. national security, as well as internal security and order maintenance (Garcia 2005). fraudulently obtain identity documents, taxpayer identification numbers, social security numbers, or engage in identity theft in order to obtain a job from employment entities. In privately owned critical infrastructure, such as nuclear power plants or refineries, illegal alien terrorists working with false identities create a different threat level to the U.S. This threat has the potential to harm large numbers of people should an attack materialize (Carafano, Rosenzweig and Kochems 2005). No statute of limitations exists for illegal entry into the U.S. or visa overstays; it is a continuous criminal violation. The media and various special interest groups have not read the law, 1952 INA, 8 USC Section 1325, which makes illegal entry into the U.S. a crime. Visa overstays fall under the same law, because visiting aliens enter with no intention of departing and that is an illegal entry under the statute cited (material misrepresentation at entry). Gambrell (2003) provides an analysis of illegal aliens voting in U.S. elections, specifically focusing on Orange County, California. Again, to receive a voter registration card, the illegal alien must obtain a fraudulent identification to register. This is both a state and federal criminal offense. The media reports on various national and international groups attempting to interfere in our elective processes. If a foreign leader could persuade their citizens, in the U.S. illegally, to obtain voter registrations and vote for a particular candidate, the threat to the U.S. could be significant. The U.S. faces several public affairs challenges. The U.S. can do nothing, which is what is occurring now and is a
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Discussion Question Responses Strategic Management 2 Assignment
Discussion Question Responses Strategic Management 2 - Assignment Example ââ¬Å"Agents for change as described as undeserving victims of the irrational and dysfunctional responses of change recipientsâ⬠(Ford, Ford & Dââ¬â¢Amelio, 2008, p.362). The organizational leadership needs to be certain that they are finding the proper fit in all recruitment efforts and since Pearce & Robinson identify the importance of change and adaptability, it cannot be reinforced enough that recruitment is vital to business success. ââ¬Å"A successful organization depends on the creation of shared meanings and mutual interpretations of realityâ⬠(Darling & Beebe, 2007, p.77). Mission and vision create a sense of purpose for the organization, thus giving a focus for cultural development and to assist management in creating harmonious and unified work teams. Organizational performance expectations should hold individuals accountable for their failure or assistance in meeting vision and mission goals since they act as the foundation for forward strategy and organizational development. All future issues as they relate to strategic intention are founded on mission and vision goals and therefore the entire organization should adopt a culture of shared values and mutual respect for this goal attainment. There really is no other measure of whether or not individuals within the organization are meeting performance goals without first looking at the mission and vision and then determining whether targets have been met by teams and the individual employee. ââ¬Å"Motivation is based on empowerment, development and communication as it concerns peopleâ⬠(Panayotopoulou & Papalexandris, 2004, p.499). While the vision and mission statements are designed to offer purpose and direction, they sometimes fail to motivate performance. When considering the situation at Enron, employees were motivated by their empowerment to skirt legalities and cover information since they received no reprimand for these actions. The loose management structure of fast money
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Global Water Shortage (Sudan) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Global Water Shortage (Sudan) - Research Paper Example Water being the fundamental of life, it is ironical to see some people taking a whole day searching for it. Instead, it was supposed to be adequate for everyone, equally. In places like the Sub-Saharan Africa, people take too much of time looking for this precious water, thus reducing their potential (Fiona, 2013). Many people lose their lives, livestock, education and their economic development just because of this water shortage. The biggest question we are left asking is that; if water is fundamental to life, what causes its shortage? Global water shortage is caused by a number of reasons. Some are direct, while others are profound. Some of the causes of water shortage include global warming, drought, flooding, and climatic change (Srinivasan, Lambin, Gorelick, Thompson, & Rozelle, 2012). The mother of all these cases is said to be global warming. This is where manââ¬â¢s activities such as industrialization leads to the emission of ozone gases which causes change adverse change s to the worldââ¬â¢s climatic pattern. This leaves many affected areas with inadequate rainfall yet; rainfall is the mother of water (CSM, 2012). Harsh climatic conditions, caused by the effects of global warming, bring about drought and drying up of the ground underground water sources. In case nothing is done to control this problem of global warming, serious water crisis problem is yet to face the entire world by 2030. This is where the global water requirement may outstrip its sustainable use by 40%, as predicted by the Organization for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD). Case Study of Sudan In Sudan, most people do not have access to clean drinking water even though River Nile is known to be the closest river around. Most parts of this country are dry and not everyone lives near the Nile River to even access the unsafe river water. In addition, it is very difficult to access the Nile River has given its terrain that has poisonous and dangerous creatures which scares people away. People living along the Nile River are much affected by HIV/AIDS given that they solicit for sexual favors in exchange for water. Sources state that only 40% of the entire Sudan has access to clean drinking water, while the rest die in the water crisis. Being listed as one of the major countries in the world whose citizens seek refuge from other countries, the major reason behind the alarming rate of refugees from this country become that of water shortage. Sudanese flees to the neighboring countries like Kenya in East Africa, in order to stay at a place with plentiful of water. According to Jason (2012), more than 35,000 people had fled Sudan in 2012 to Kenya, in search of water. Water shortages in Sudan have led to several other problems so he people including health problems, where waterborne diseases attack the people as they use dirty water for drinking and others dehydrate to death due to water scarcity. Children do not go to school since they need to walk severa l thousands of miles to find water; this takes almost a whole day or sometimes, several days, hence they have no time to go to school. Economic activities such as livestock keeping and farming cannot take place in some parts of the country since there is no easy water access to those parts. Solution to the Problem The only remedy to global water shortage is that; we should control the emission of the dangerous gases to the atmosphere so as to reduce global warming. In this way, we can reverse the harsh climatic conditions, hence avoiding droughts and drying up of our wells, lakes and rivers, (Cook & Bakker, 2011). People should also be trained in better water management programs so that when it rains, they are able to harvest the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Transcendentalim and Walden Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Transcendentalim and Walden - Essay Example This section analyses Thoreauââ¬â¢s experience in the woods, his connection with nature and his journey to self-awareness. These themes and elements of transcendentalism are strengthened by the use of figures of speech, diction and tone. Thoreau alludes to various aspects of life, and philosophy to strengthen his case. This section restates the concept of transcendentalism, the elements that exemplify it, and the values that Thoreau seeks to teach his audience. The lessons to be learnt from Thoreauââ¬â¢s Walden are the concepts of free thought, individualism, self-reliance, and self-awareness and non-conformity in a bid to search for the true meaning of life. It should be highlighted, however, that peopleââ¬â¢s truths are different, and one should go on a personal journey of free spirited thought in order to find and live their own truth. People should speak their truths, as they live it. Walden is a book that Henry Thoreau uses to not only exemplify his beliefs, but those of transcendentalism. The book depicts transcendentalism as being a progressive movement towards individualism, self-reliance, education and peopleââ¬â¢s rights; one also concludes that transcendentalists are critical of social institutions, the government, religion, laws and creeping industrialization. One of the most important teachings that Henry Thoreau seeks to teach his audience, and that many people can pick up is that it is better for person to live frankly and openly as who they are, than to live as society or other external forces oblige one to live. People should learn to speak their truth, that which they have learnt for themselves and not that which they have been taught to accept as true; people should learn from the abundance of the universe and from the depths of their existence so as to be able to speak the truth as one lives it. An intelligent reader should be able to derive that
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The New Technology of War Essay Example for Free
The New Technology of War Essay Tanks: Tanks were massive killing machines, which could hold many goods and many men. This was an advantage because before tanks were invented, the soldiers had to walk to and from different battlefields under the risk of shellfire. The tanks were obviously bullet proof and protective and could move through the battlefield. They could go through wire entanglements and cross enemy trenches. This was useful to make a space for friendly soldiers to attack and could push back the enemy frontline a few miles. The tanks were strong enough to carry massive guns capable of blowing down enemy trench walls from a 100 metres away. Ties meant that the enemy would be open so the friendly soldiers could shoot in. Because the tanks were so massive, they tear up mud by their caterpillar tracks, which make it a disadvantage for friendly troops to run and walk over. Many of the German trenches were too wide so the tanks front fell into the trenches instead of going over. Consequently if the machine gunners were close to the tank, they could put sticky bombs on the side of it. The tanks were sometimes unreliable and most broke down at the start. This meant that lots of them would be a waste of money. There were still many mechanical problems with tanks, but they proved themselves to be a weapon of the future. In the event, the full potential of the tank was not to be realised until it had been from its infantry support role. Once it appeared, backed by air power, the age of battlefield domination was over. Wars of movement were once possible. With machine guns the tanks were killing machines that were lethal. Machine guns: It provided rapid and sustained fire so you wouldnt waste valuable time reloading the weapon. This also meant that the enemy could be mowed down easily so that it could hold the frontline and was a very valuable defensive item. They were useful in planes because it was very hard to hit enemy planes so machine guns could fire randomly and fast so there would be a definite hit. The machine guns were very expensive and when in a time of war, countries were strapped for cash so they were very rare. They also used a lot of ammunition. Around 120 bullets were fired per minute so it would cost lots and lots of money to fuel it. The machine guns could not be used to attack because they were too heavy. Also if their own troops were going across, then the machine gunners would have to stop because they would kill their own men. The machine guns were a great invention and provided a fresh new start for some future technology. It proved useful in many battles. These machines mainly won some of these battles. Gas: The gas method was deadly and had never been seen before. It could spread through walls and trenches and went as far as it could until it diffused. This meant that you didnt always have to hit the right spot while releasing the gas. The gas could also kill people fast and could cloud the vision of many people so they would wander out, linking it to the tanks and so the tanks could move across without being seen or heard if the soldiers had gas masks on until the tanks came close. Usually to attack you would need to lose a few men at least but this new method meant that no friendly soldier would be hurt in the process. Although gas could kill quickly, it took a long time to get to its destination just like a zeppelin. Lots of gas was really needed to kill the enemy soldiers because the gas needed to be dense. This meant that it was expensive to use the gas and it wasnt always effective because most of the soldiers had gas masks after a few months. This meant that gas could be totally ineffective and so it would be such a waste of money on the gas. Gas, of course, could accidentally come back to your own trenches from wind coming your way. Gas was highly feared by many humans throughout Europe because many rumours had gone around that it was the work of the devil and could kill anything so when gasmasks were introduced it meant that many people were rushing around for them like they were a saviour. Planes and Zeppelins: Planes and zeppelins were very useful because there was warfare everywhere. On land, under ground and on water but now in the air. It was useful because no guns were able to fire up at 180à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ so planes were very unlikely to get shot down. They could drop bombs straight down on the enemy. This meant they could be accurate. Planes are linked with machineguns because of the use of them in planes so you didnt have to be accurate to shoot fighter planes. Zeppelins could be massive transport carriers of weapons and other goods. These sorts of machines would take a lot of time to make and be expensive which makes them like tanks. They were not always in the air and so had hangers and such where lots of bombers could easily blow them up before they could get into the air. Like most of technology, both sides would always find out the secret of the new machine so battles in the sky would always take place and would normally be a long battle or a stalemate. Planes were lightweight because they could not fly if they werent so this meant they had no armour so were unreliable. Planes and zeppelins were not used until the Second World War because earlier planes were unsuccessful and zeppelins hadnt been invented yet. But planes were found to be useful and they evolved around the war. The zeppelins were massive airplanes like air tanks ready to drop massive bombs. Modern Technology These modern methods were more effective, accurate and much more reliable. The older methods included horses, which were fast, but as animals they needed feeding, looking after and they needed rest so that meant they would have to wait prolonged periods for the chance to attack. It would cost money to feed the horse. They needed medicine to look after the horse as well. Dogs and pigeons were also used in the war for communication. Pigeons could fly distances of up to 60 miles and 80% of messages got through. But radio messages and telegraph wires were much more useful and would have direct contact with HQ and all messages would get through. So the older methods were fine for the time. Most battles did not take place and were stalemates so the newer technology was needed to break the stalemate and reach a quicker end of a battle, meaning a quicker war. But machine guns were meant to defend trenches and so were effective that they caused most of the stalemates. Many people had good ideas but tanks were the best and this pushed back enemy lines because enemy machine guns could not shoot them and waves of soldiers followed behind them. But tanks were for blowing up artillery not soldiers. So the army needed a weapon for killing masses of soldiers. The answer was gas. At first gas was used to knockout enemy soldiers but gradually more lethal gases were introduced. To kill, blind, maim and blister the enemy. Gas broke stalemates easily 178,500 British were hurt and 7,500 killed by gas. The Germans had 101,650 hurt and 5,350 killed. But then gas masks were invented and gas became so useless that some other machine was needed. Planes were used in earlier wars but were not effective but now new types were available so armies tried them and they seemed unstoppable by guns because they were so fast and there were battles in the air but as per usual there were guns to shoot down planes. So many new inventions were made and were, as you can see from my evidence, much more effective then old fashioned methods but there was always something to stop the new technology. The best defensive weapon is apparent to be the machinegun out of the new and old technology. This is because of the way it mowed down the enemy soldiers coming towards the trench. They could also be far apart because the gun could rotate up to 360à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½. Even though it is a defensive weapon, it was most useful in attacking machines such as planes because of its quick fire. The best technology for attack was the planes because of their ability to pass over anything and have no boundaries unlike tanks, which cant pass over some trenches. They were able to break the stalemate by bombing front trenches and pushing the enemy back. New Technology and inventions were vital in breaking the stalemate in the war on the western front and completely replaced older fashioned methods. To discuss this we need to look at different parts of the sentence. To start off with New technology and inventions were vital to break the stalemate in the war can be discussed easily. It says that they were vital but they were not only used to break the stalemate they were used also to keep the stalemate (machine guns). Some were not vital to the breaking of the stalemate but some were just used to destroy the trenches but not actually cause enough damage to break the stalemate and push the enemy back. The second part of the sentence is and completely replaced older fashioned methods. The word completely should not be used because if all the modern technology failed then the soldiers would have to rely on the older methods. So the word completely should be changed to parts. The fact is that nothing is ever totally replaced or exterminated. For example small pox is still around in the world today but not in Europe and that is why it is like the new technology. It may have replaced the older fashioned methods in Europe but it still did not replace it in the whole world. For example in China at that time, many horses were still used at the time. This sentence only complies with the positive side of the effect of modern technology. It uses two main facts to present the idea that the modern technology was only good. Coming into the new century was a big time for the old 19th century people. They were a new generation of invention lovers who were not afraid of the new technology unlike the generation before them. So they welcomed the new machines not fearing what damage they could do because they had only experienced mostly good things from new machines. Conclusion: The whole point of the essay was not to find out both sides of the modern weapon findings. As I went over the project I found different ideas and views on how technology was good and needed and how European Warfare would have been better off without it. I found out which machines were useful and which caused more hassle than good. I found why people views were what they were and whether they were good enough or not. At first before I came into this project fully, my views were that all technology was for the best but some were not and some were vital for peace. Weapons can be used for peace but they are mostly used for war. I found that tanks, if not invented, would surely effect the damage felt on Britain. Most probably increasing it because of the way the British used it so much. I had also found that if the German machine gun had not been invented, that the Germans may have lost the war much quicker because of the way they fiercely mowed down enemy soldiers heading towards the trenches. I found that many people had to put their trust in the machines and use them because of the inevitable increase in use of them. Many people I have read about have pushed for an technological advance in weapon warfare where others have the sure belief that it will all end up wrong.
Ethnic Notions Essay Example for Free
Ethnic Notions Essay Ethnic Notions is a documentary directed by Marlon Riggs. The title itself explains what the movie is about-impressions of race. Throughout the documentary, Riggs presents the history of stereotypes and shows how they still exist. In todayââ¬â¢s society we have become so accustomed with stereotypes that they are considered normal. The movie Ethnic Notations introduces the problem of stereotypes by explaining their origin and history, giving examples, and showing how they still exist today, so that we are no longer fooled and unaware of stereotyping and racism. During the early and mid 1900ââ¬â¢s black people were depicted on television and media as ignorant, ugly, violent and inferior to white people. These negative, degrading and horrible images of black people over time shaped peopleââ¬â¢s views and thoughts about black people and this was how stereotypes were created. Media used caricatures which are exaggerated representations of people to get racist views across to white and black American people. One example of a caricature is The Sambo. The Sambo was a caricature created to depict the black male as being lazy, child like ignorant and care-free making the black male seem more like a child than a male. Another example of a racist caricature is pickaninnies which are black children. Pickaninnies were depicted as ugly kids with rough wooly hair, big eyes, dark black skin, big mouths and bright red lips. Pickaninnies often resembled animals in children cartoons and were viewed as savage by white people. One of the most popular caricatures of the 1900ââ¬â¢s is the mammie caricature. The Mammie was an older black woman who took care of the white manââ¬â¢s family. Mammies were shoed as loving mother figures who were fat black and unattractive. Mammies were created to show that some blacks were happy as slaves and loved black people. These stereotypes were disturbing, degrading and in most cases poor representations of black people. It saddens me how whites could think so low of black people or any other human being at all. Sadly stereotypes still exist today in television, media and society. One stereotype I feel definitely still exist today ids the Sambo stereotype although there are great black actors that play dramatic roles most black men in the media are still shown as being careless and immature. However not all stereotypes today are exactly the same as the caricatures from the 20th century but a new modern version. For example instead of black women being depicted as unattractive mammies on television, they are now ghetto loud and un-lady like. Sometimes I even find myself acting out a stereotype, like being loud or cursing in public. After watching Ethnic Notions I feel like stereotypes are too deeply rooted in Americas culture to ever be completely gone. Although this conclusion is unfortunate I do believe that we could make people believe in stereotypes less and less through media, by depicting blacks in a more positive light.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
What Causes Ozone Depletion In Sydney Australia Environmental Sciences Essay
What Causes Ozone Depletion In Sydney Australia Environmental Sciences Essay This report aim to show the affect and the harmful of ozone depletion in the world specific in Australia country, this report show some information about ozone depletion in Australia such as the history, definition, causes, health effect and why Australia must take care about this issue. At the end, ozone depletion is very big issue in the world because it has a lot of affect in plant, human also the animals so must take care about this issue and government must tell the population about the risk that result from ozone depletion and ask them to must reduce used the product that may case ozone depletion such as refrigerators. Introduction: Ozone is a gas that is naturally present in our atmosphere. Each ozone molecule contains three atoms of oxygen and is denoted chemically as O3. Ozone is found primarily in two regions of the atmosphere. About 10% of atmospheric ozone is in the troposphere, the region closest to earth. The remaining ozone 90% resides in the stratosphere, primarily between the top of the troposphere and about 50 kilo-meter altitude. It is commonly called the ozone hole because the ozone depletion is so large localized. A thinning of the ozone layer also has been observed over other regions of the globe, such as the arctic and northern middle latitudes. Ozone forms a layer in the stratosphere that absorbs dangerous solar ultraviolet radiation. Increasing amounts of man- made chemicals are accelerating the speed at which ozone molecules are destroyed. These ozone-destroying chemicals come mainly from chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used in a range of products from refrigerators and air conditioners to soft foams and cleaning solvents. Their quantities in atmosphere have been rising rapidly since the mid-1970s. For every 10 percent depletion of ozone layer, we can expect a 20 percent increase in ultraviolet radiation arriving at the ground in life-damaging wavelengths. This radiation could change genetic structure, alter immune systems, damage crops, disrupt the marine food web, and enhance greenhouse warming by affecting the carbon dioxide-absorbing capacity of plankton in the oceans. The incidence of human skin cancer could increase, and the sight of millions could be affected as more intense ultraviolet radiation damages eyes and causes cataracts. Plant growth may be inhibited by the extra ultraviolet radiation and crop yields may be reduced. How is ozone formed in the atmosphere? Ozone is formed throughout the atmosphere in multistep chemical processes that require sunlight. In the stratosphere, the process begins with the breaking apart of an oxygen molecule (O2) by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. In the lower atmosphere (troposphere), ozone is formed in a different set of chemical reactions involving hydrocarbons and nitrogen-containing gases. Why do we care about atmospheric ozone? Ozone in the stratosphere absorb of suns biologically harmful ultraviolet radiation. Because of this beneficial role, stratospheric ozone is considered good ozone. In contrast, ozone at earths surface that is formed from pollutants is considered bad ozone because it can be harmful to humans and plant and animal life. Some ozone occurs naturally in the lower atmosphere where it is beneficial because ozone helps remove pollutants from the atmosphere. Dose depletion of the ozone layer increase ground-level ultraviolet radiation? Yes, ultraviolet radiation at earths surface increases as the amount of overhead total ozone decreases, because ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Measurements by ground-based instruments and estimates made using satellite data have confirmed that surface ultraviolet radiation has increased in regions where ozone depletion is observed. What Causes Ozone Depletion in Sydney Australia? Being in urban area that highly populated ozone depleting substances release heavily in Sydney. CFCs used by most of transportation and air conditioners along with commercial refrigeration equipment or air conditioners. Methyl chloroform release in the industrial factories of Sydney as a result of production. Health Effects: Skin and eyes affects by Ultraviolet radiation. Cancer is the most harmful diseases affect skin from the sunlight. By exposure Cancer is often brought to a mutagen, which can change the genes. Promotes chemical change in the DNA by Ultraviolet radiation is a well known mutagen. People over 40 years old are more likely to most skin cancers, when these people were children the actual damage that caused the cancer occurred. The highest incidence of skin cancer in the world is in Australia. With only .3% of the worlds population, they manage to account for 6 % of all lethal forms of skin cancer diagnosed globally. About 1200 people die each year in Australia as a result of skin cancer. Doesnt just cancer caused by Sunlight also painful sunburn, skin ages and eyes affected by radiation from the sun. Whats Being Done About Ozone Depletion? Damage to the earths protective layer has sparked unprecedented concern and action. Over 165 countries have signed the Montreal Protocol, an International agreement to phase out ozone depleting substances. As one of these countries, Australia continues to be a world leader in the phase out of ozone depleting substances, and is well ahead of the Protocol requirements. Sydneys approach has been based on a highly cooperative partnership between industry, the community, and all levels of government. since 1989,The manufacture, CFCs import and export, halon, and methyl chloroform have been controlled in Australia. Environmentally preferable alternatives are available for almost all applications and are gradually being switched to in Sydney. During 1990s the importation and production of CFCs stopped by the Australia. This saw the consumption of ozone depleting substances fall by 86%, from 832 Ozone Depleting Potential Tones (ODPT) in 1999 to 119 ODPT in 2009. This current level (119 ODPT in 2009) represents less than 1% of Australias consumption of ozone depleting substances in 1989. By about 2050, natural ozone production reactions should return to normal levels. We cant make enough ozone to replace whats been destroyed, but provided that we stop producing ozone depleting substances, Australiaà ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¾Ã ¢s approach to disposal and destruction of ozone depleting substances Australia has developed a robust and functioning product stewardship programmed for the management of ozone depleting substances and synthetic greenhouse gases, which ensures the proper handling of these substances from their import into Australia through to their eventual disposal and destruction. It functions on the à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Å"polluter paysà ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ã principle, with industry funding the scheme through a levy imposed on imports of bulk gases and gas contained in refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment. Fees from issuing licenses also assist the Australian Government in administering the various license schemes connected to the consumption of ozone depleting substances and synthetic greenhouse gases. In recent decades, the Australian Government has been implementing a highly effective national strategy for the recovery, management and disposal of haloes. Conclusion: In summary, Ozone depletion has further increased the risk that Australians already face from overexposure to UV radiation resulting from their outdoor lifestyle. In much the same way a cloud blocks the heat on a hot day, the ozone layer in the stratosphere blocks out the suns deadly ultraviolet rays. It acts as our planets natural sun block. As the ozone layer diminishes, the harmful rays increase along with the rates of skin cancer. At the end, ozone depletion is very important issue around the world because it causes a lot of diseases for human and even plants and animals, so must take care about this problem and try to tell the people about the harmful of the ozone depletion to take awareness and reduce used the items which may cause ozone depletion such as: refrigerators and air-conditioned. United Arab Emirates University Department of Science Environmental science subject Name: Nouf Ali Hamad Alkaabi ID: 200907697 Section : 54 Dr. Truck untitled.bmp
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Modern European History Essay -- essays research papers
Modern European History 1. What did Paul Valery mean in saying that the mind of Europe doubted itself profoundly? Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Before 1914, people in Europe believed in progress, peace, prosperity, reason, and rights of individuals. During that time, people began to believe in the Enlightenment, industrial developments were just starting and scientific advances began to take place. People then really believed in progression and further developments. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Unfortunately, World War I broke out. Nevertheless, the optimistic people of Europe still did not doubt the outcome and were so convinced that it was not going to have any long term effects. They looked toward happier times and hoped life will go back to where it was before. But little did they know, as a result of the war, total war broke out and crushed all the hopes and accomplishments that the people had established. This shocking reality was unbearable and uncomprehending to the people's hopes and dreams. And as this lasted over the years, the age of anxiety was created. People didn't know or what to expect anymore. They did not know what was going to happen after the war. They're so devastated by the war that many who were still alive lost faith and all hopes. Many intellectuals began to doubt the Enlightenment and even the future of Western civilization. This state of uncertainty and unpredictability brought out many modern philosophers of that time. One of them was a Fren...
Monday, August 19, 2019
Illusion and Fantasy in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
Illusion and Fantasy in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams An illusion is fake belief whereas fantasy is imagining fanciful visions. Both these themes are important in the play because they show how they can be mistaken for reality by each character in the play. The themes illusion and fantasy are involved from the start of the play. We learn from when Stanley throws the package of meat down to Stella that he is a dominant character and that his relationship with Stella isnââ¬â¢t as happy as it may seem to be. Even in scene 2, Stanleyââ¬â¢s aggressiveness is shown towards Stella, ââ¬Ësince when do you give me orders?ââ¬â¢. However, the most significant example of his brutality is during the Poker Game in scene 3. This is where the themes illusion and fantasy are brought in, because Stella lives in a fantasy world with Stanley. We learn how Stanley keeps Stella under the thumb. However violent Stanley might be, she wonââ¬â¢t reveal that her relationship has problems to Blanche or anyone, ââ¬Ëit wasnââ¬â¢t anything as serious as you seem to take it. In the first place, when men are drinking and playing poker anything can happen.ââ¬â¢ Stella has psychologically made herself get used to this behaviour from Stanley, ââ¬Ëwhy, on our wedding ââ¬â soon as we came in here ââ¬â he snatched off one of my slippers and rushed about the place, smashing the light bulbs with it.ââ¬â¢ She has made it seem normal because she is illusioned by the thought that what they have is too strong to let go. Stanley is like an addictive drug to her, for example, in scene 4, Stella is in ââ¬Ënarcotised tranquillityââ¬â¢. However rough he may be, Stella needs Stanley as a fix. It is as though she is brainwashed by him. When Blanche comments on the previous nights even... ...he becomes desperate and unhinged. She sees marriage as her only means of escaping her demons, so Mitchââ¬â¢s rejection amounts to a sentence of living in her internal world. Once Mitch crushes the make-believe identity Blanche has constructed for herself, Blanche begins to descend into madness. With no audience for her lies, which Blanche admits are necessary when she tells Mitch that she hates reality and prefers ââ¬Å"magic,â⬠Blanche begins performing for herself. Yet Blancheââ¬â¢s escapist tendencies no longer show her need to live in a world full of pleasant bourgeois ease. Instead of fancy and desire, her new alternate reality reflects regret and death. She is alone, afraid of both the dark and the light; her own mind provides her with a last support of escape. Her fantasies control her, not the other way around, but still she shrinks from the horror of reality.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Computer Viruses :: essays research papers fc
Computer Viruses à à à à à A computer virus is an illegal and potentially damaging computer program designed to infect other software by attaching itself to any software it contacts. In many cases, virus programs are designed to damage computer systems maliciously by destroying of corrupting data. If the infected software is transferred to or accessed by another computer system, the virus spreads to the other system. Viruses have become a serious problem in recent years, and currently, thousands of known virus programs exist (Reed 85-102)b. à à à à à Three types of viruses are a boot sector virus, file virus, and Trojan horse virus. A boot sector virus infects the. When the infected boot program executes, the virus is loaded into the computerââ¬â¢s memory. Once the Virus is in memory, it can spread to any floppy disk inserted into the computer. A file virus inserts virus codes into program filesâ⬠¦ The virus then spreads to any program that accesses the infected file. A Trogan horse virus (named after the Greek myth) hides within or is designed to look like s legitimate program. à à à à à Some viruses interrupt processing by freezing a computer system temporarily and then displaying sounds or messages. Other viruses contain time bombs or logic bombs. A time bomb is a program that performs an activity on a particular date. A logic bomb is a program that performs an activity when a certain action occurs, such as an employee being terminated. A worm, which is similar to a virus, copies itself repeatedly until no more memory of disk space remains. à à à à à To find computer viruses, anti-virus programs have been developed. Besides detecting viruses, anti-virus programs also have utilities to remove or repair infected programs and files. Some damaged files cannot be repaired and must be replaced with uninfected archive files. The table below outlines some techniques used to protect computer systems. Table Techniques for virus Protection and System Archive Using Virus Protection Softwareà à à à à Backing Up Your System Install virus protection software on every computer systemà à à à à Develop a regular plan for copying and storing important data and program files. Before use, scan every floppy disk with a virus scan program to check for viruses.à à à à à Implement a backup plan and adhere to its guidelines.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Health Promotion among Diverse Populations Essay
In discussing health promotion among diverse populations, this author has selected the Hispanic population to show health status in regards to the national average. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of July 2013, their estimate is that there are around 54 million Hispanics that live in the United States. This represents 17% of the total U.S. population which makes them the largest ethnic minority. It is estimated that by 2060, they will grow to around 128.8 million (31%) of the U.S. population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2012, the Hispanic population of which 23% were in either elementary or high school; and only 6.8% were in college. Also, only about 29.1% lacked health insurance. Hispanics were 43% more likely not to have health coverage than that of 13% of non-Hispanics who lacked health coverage. According to the CDC (Center of Disease Control), when evaluating the health status that this group perceived themselves by 10.3% of being in fair or poor health. Mortality rates were difficult to compare as the reporting on the ethnic group was not always put on the death certificate. However, the death rate from Diabetes is 40.5 per 100,000 for Blacks, which is double that for the white population which 19.9 is. The rate for Hispanics is 27.7. Health Disparities/ Barriers According to the CDC, health disparities are gaps in health outcomes or determinants between segments of the population. ââ¬Å"Many health disparities are related to social determinants of health, the conditions in which peopleà are born, grow, live, work and age. Identification and awareness of differences among populations regarding health determinants and health outcomes areà essential steps toward reducing health disparities,â⬠(CDC Health Disparities and Inequalities Report-U.S., 2013). We need to be aware of the disparities of our patient population in order to be able to provide the education and resources needed to improve health promotion and prevention for them. Some of the disparities among the Hispanic population are education, cost, language, and prevention. In regards to education, a larger percentage that of non-Hispanics did not complete high school and therefore many are unable to read and write adequately to get the information that they need. Also, a high percentage donââ¬â¢t speak English and they are unable to communicate with health givers, especially if there is no one to translate. Since a large percentage has not graduated from high school, they are in low income a job which puts them in less than the federal poverty level, and are more likely to be in high-risk positions. Also, Hispanics are more likely to be unemployed as compared to non-Hispanics. Due to their low-income, Hispanics are less likely to seek medical attention because of cost. They will provide medical care for their children first and themselves last. Many use home remedies handed down through the generations. With regards to blood pressure control, which could be regulated in a clinic visit, only a small percentage had blood pressure control as compared to non-Hispanics. Barriers to these disparities need to be assessed and interventions need to be developed and implemented to improve health for these populations. Some of the barriers noted were language, income, educational level and cultural beliefs. There are translation tools (phones, translators) available; we just need to utilize what is available. By utilizing these tools, individuals will beà more likely to go to the doctor, since they will be able to understand the information given. However, we as health providers need to be non-judgmental and accepting of these individuals. Financial concerns are a big part, most state that they cannot afford treatments, medications, supplies, and dietary changes. This is due in part that most are below poverty level. By assessing their needs, then researching what programs are available for them. There are medication assistance programs available, some from the hospitals and some from the pharmaceutical companies. Many pharmacies now have $5 and 10$ medications for 30 to 90 days. This can be a major assistance. Transportation can also be a barrier; if they donââ¬â¢t have a way to get to appointments then they donââ¬â¢t get the appropriate follow-up. Setting up clinics in the community is a way to increase patients making it to appointments. Also, in some communities, public transportation busses will go and pick up patients from their home and take them for appointments and bring them back home. Education is another barrier, with most not finishing high school, they are not able to read and write well or not at all, or not in English. When developing an educational program for these individuals, we need to take into account how they learn and what types of media do we need to use. Approaches to Health Promotion There are three approaches to health promotion/ prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary is considered health promotion and specific ways to prevent illness such as immunizations. Secondary is describes as early diagnosis and treatment. And tertiary is focusedà on restoring health and rehabilitation if needed. While primary would be beneficial, this author believes that the focus should be on secondary prevention. Providing screening activities such as health fairs, for these individuals can and will lead to early diagnosis. We need to ensure that the Hispanic population are respected and provide them with the tools needed to promote wellness. Due to high cost of health care and with many not havingà insurance, most wait till they need to go to the emergency room for care. This practice most likely leads to identifying illness at a later stage and thus requiring more intense therapy to obtain level of wellness. In conclusion, there needs to be trust established partnership in the care between patient, family and health care providers. Also, disparities need to be taken away or at least reduced to be able to provide the best preventable and early care as possible to all. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Office of Minority Health and Health Equity, November 26, 2014.Retrieved from http;// Centers for Disease Control/National Center for Health Statistics: July 14, 2014. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control 24/7: Saving Lives, protecting people. October 28, 2014. Retrieved from Summary Health Statistics for the U.S. Population: National Health Interview Survey, 2012. Vital Health Statistics. Series 10, Number 259, December 2013 Center for Disease Control: Health Disparities and Inequalities Report- U.S. 2013. Retrieved from Edelman, Kudzman and Mandle; Health Promotion throughout the Life Span, edition 8, 2014. Chapter 1.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Feature Article on Belonging with Unseen Text
English Paper One: The Extended Response When you ask people what they hate the most about English the majority will say writing extended responses. Essays, lectures, feature articles they all cause great grief to the poor HSC students who have to write them. I believe this attitude is mostly due to the fact that a great deal of students simply donââ¬â¢t know how to construct a response. They donââ¬â¢t know how to construct a thesis statement, or write arguments that can be backed up by textual support. All these students need is a little assistance, information on how to write something that serves it purpose.So here is that help, that little bit of assistance that will help you to get the highest marks possible in your extended response for Belonging. Breaking the response up into its primary elements makes the whole process a lot easier and allows you to focus on what is really important. To illustrate this letââ¬â¢s take a look at Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s 1953 play The Cru cible, and Jean Rhysââ¬â¢1966 novel Wide Sargasso Sea. First up, the thesis statement: The most important part of any essay is establishing a solid thesis statement that sets up the tone and structure for your essay.It is an argument about a specific aspect of belonging / not belonging which you can apply to multiple texts. Your texts are the evidence with which you reinforce your thesis. Itââ¬â¢s best to prepare three thesis ideas and on the day form two thesis statements which best the question you are given. For example, you could prepare ideas about the nexus between place, power, madness and women. On the day, if the question is about how belonging is influenced by connections to places, you can develop your prepared ideas into a thesis that fits this question.For example: Connection to place evokes an emotional attachment through shared experience and shared values. Many teachers like you to use two sentences in your thesis; and address the first half of it in the first part of your essay and the second in the second half. So, you could expand your thesis to be: Connection to place evokes an emotional attachment through shared experience and shared values. Moreover, to feel alienated or disconnected from a place often means an individual is estranged from the social and cultural values f this place. This first part of your essay should address the first part of the thesis, using a key scene from the core text. Miller uses the form of the political fable to comment critically on the American McCarthy era, and the fear of communism. His criticism highlights how a positive connection to a group in society founded through shared values and experience can cause people to abuse the power they have in order to retain it. Your thesis statement must include the question, but also your own beliefs about belonging.You have to argue it so it is better if you believe in what you are arguing. After you have addressed the first part of the thesis you could go on to say. For example, Danforth forges a positive connection to Salem as he recognises that he can exercise the full extent of his power over the people. When Danforthââ¬â¢s integrity is questioned, Millerââ¬â¢s use of rhetorical questions highlights his need to maintain power within the community, ââ¬Å"And do you know that near to four hundred are in the jails upon my signature? And seventy-two condemned to hang by that signature? In this scene, it would probably be wise to also comment on the setting of Millers play, the courtroom and how powerless individuals can improve their position in society and forge a sense of belonging by joining the majority. For this you could use the example of Cheever, a man who has gained much power through the court, ââ¬Å"I am an official of the court, I cannot keep itâ⬠. Constructing supporting arguments: As the thesis is the point you are arguing it is wise to back it up similarly to what has been done above.You need to support you ar gument no matter what, it is essential, otherwise there is no point to the response. This starts with a topic sentence, switching over to our related text (Jean Rhysââ¬â¢ novel, Wide Sargasso Sea) for some variety. For example: Antoinette has forged a positive connection to her home at Granbois because she knows through experience that only there is she free from the derision of society. This topic sentence is straight from the first part of the thesis statement.The key terms are taken out and moulded to fit into an idea that can back up what your thesis statement is saying. Your supporting argument would be made complete with analysis to back it up. Antoinetteââ¬â¢s feeling of belonging to her home is foregrounded in the hyperbole, when she declares to Rochester: ââ¬Å"This is my place and everything is on our side. â⬠Rhys uses this to evoke an immovable confidence within Antoinette. Bringing this confidence in place into the foreground heightens the audienceââ¬â¢s awareness of her demise as Rochester breaks down this connection.How to integrate textual support: The paragraphs above have arguments, based on the thesis statement that have been backed up with textual support. Textual support is one of the most important aspects of any extended response as it backs up you arguments. You are essentially drawing examples from your text and analysing them to prove your point. This process of analysis is called TEE, technique, example, effect. This method combined with your topic sentence makes up a paragraph, which in turn, make up your entire response. For example:Abigail is disconnected from Salem through her subversive behaviour as she doesnââ¬â¢t observe the social and cultural values of this place regarding the expectations of women being passive and obedient. There is the argument, based on the second part of the thesis statement. Take, for example, the dialogue in act one between John Proctor and Abigail, when he comes to investigate the a ccusations of witchcraft in Salem. Many of the playââ¬â¢s key ideas are introduced here, including Proctor and Abigailââ¬â¢s affair, ââ¬Å"John I am waitinââ¬â¢ for you every night. Her motivation for her future behaviour is foreshadowed when she retorts: ââ¬Å"A wild thing may say wild things. â⬠This highlights her reluctance to conform to the social and cultural values of Salem. This includes contextualisation of the scene, for the marker, as well as a technique, and example and the effect of it all. In your analysis you are not restricted to using direct quotes as evidence for your argument. Consider Millerââ¬â¢s effective use of place. His chosen domestic setting of the bedroom emphasises the inappropriate nature of their relationship.Furthermore, you could combine this with discussing Millerââ¬â¢s use of stage direction to heighten the dramatic tension, for example Abigail behaves ââ¬Å"Tauntinglyâ⬠towards Proctor, ââ¬Å"grasping his and before he can release herâ⬠. Writing an essay for the HSC doesnââ¬â¢t have to be hard. 800-1000 words in 40 minutes may seem like a lot, but if you understand how to compose your extended response, everything becomes much easier. It is important that after you have finished studying the module you keep writing responses about belonging, to keep your arguments alive and your technique strong.
Critically consider psychological explanations of love Essay
There are three psychological theories of love, The Three Factor Theory of Romantic Love, Sternbergââ¬â¢s Triangular Theory of Love and Romantic Love and Attachment. The three factor theory of romantic love suggested by Hatfield and Walster, recognises two types of love, passionate love and companionate love. Whilst passionate love can be seen as an intense physiological arousal which involves a longing for the other person, companionate love is more a feeling of affection towards those whom we feel deeply about. Hatfield and Walster propose a theory to explain passionate love based on three factors; physiological arousal, appropriate love object and cultural exposure. The authors see love as a label that is placed on someone that we are physiologically aroused by. Experiencing this arousal will cause a person to state it is because of love, since this is what our culture teaches us happens when we are in love. This theory receives support from research by Dutton and Aron. In this study, male participants were interviewed on a high or low suspension bridge, by an attractive female. The results supported the prediction that those males interviewed on a high bridge felt more sexual attraction to the woman, presumably because they experienced stronger physiological arousal. The males on the lower bridge felt less physical attraction, presumably because their physiological arousal was not as strong. It is possible that this theory could explain certain experiences such as love at first sight. However, since most people seem to fall in love gradually, this would suggest that for the majority of individuals, the label, love, comes first rather that the physiological arousal. The theory is also more applicable to western rather then eastern or collectivist cultures. Sternberg defines love as ââ¬â intimacy (sharing mutual understanding and emotional support), passion (involves physical attraction and sexual desire) and decision/commitment (involves the short-term decision that you love someone and a longer-term commitment to maintain that love). These three components of love can be combined in different ways to produce seven varieties of love; liking, infatuation, empty love, romantic love, compassionate love, fatuous love and consummate love. These seven types of love form a triangle. Consummate love being in the center as it is the strongest form of love since it involves all three components. Sternberg believes that people have two different types of triangle. The first is based on an individuals own theory of love and is formed in a cultural context from watching television, observing parents, reading books, including listening to fairy tales when young. The second triangle is based on the individualsââ¬â¢ current relationship. According to Sternberg when two triangles are similar, relationships tend to be more successful. The theory has practical applications ââ¬â it is possible to measure the components in the two parties and then analyse the differences in the types of love shown by each partner. It helps pinpoint areas where change and compromise may be necessary. However, the components are rather vague, especially commitment, and it is therefore difficult to judge the basis on which one person decides to love another. Hazan and Shaver proposed that romantic relationships are attachment relationships, and that individual differences in adult attachment style, mirror those found by psychologists who studied attachment styles such as Ainsworth. So rather than love being formed in a cultural context, Hazan and Shaver believe that love originates from a personââ¬â¢s early relationship with a primary caregiver. This theory developed out of two earlier pieces of research by Ainsworth and Bowlby. Ainsworthââ¬â¢s strange situation and the observation that children have three different styles of attachment ââ¬â secure, insecure/anxious resistant and insecure/anxious avoidant. Bowlbyââ¬â¢s belief that the motherââ¬â¢s behaviour towards the child creates an internal working model that leads the infant to expect the same in later relationships. According to Hazan and Shaver, later love relationships can be predicted from a childââ¬â¢s attachment style. So therefore a secure child who had a positive image of a caring mother will have relationships in later life that are friendly, trusting and more enduring. A child classified as insecure/anxious resistant will have conflicting memories of the mother, both positive and rejecting, causing relationships in later life to consist of emotional highs and lows, with moments of jealousy and concerns whether their partners really love them. Insecure/anxious avoidant children will remember their mother as cold and rejecting and have relationships in later life where they fear being close to someone and believe love is not necessary for happiness nor is it long lasting. Hazan and Shaverââ¬â¢s research receives support from a number of studies in that there does seem to be a relationship between early attachment experiences and later attitudes and behaviour to love for example Feeny and Noller 1990. However the research has all been correlational in this area, so it cannot be claimed that early attachment causes later relationships behaviour. The relationship between the two could be caused by another factor. Kagon believes this other factor to be the temperament of the child. Infants are born with certain temperaments which determine the quality of their early relationships and these innate or genetic factors affect relationships throughout life. The three psychological theories of love provide partial explanations for this most intense of human emotion. Whilst Hatfield and Walster believe love to be a state of strong physiological arousal, Sternberg and Hazan and Shaver believe that love originates from a persons early relationships with a primary caregiver.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Amusing Ourselves to Death Summary
Amusing Ourselves to Death Summary Neil Postman in his speech called ââ¬Å"Amusing Ourselves to Death,â⬠which he gave in the year of 1984, takes a point of view which explains how the American society is slowly trying to have entertainment over-take every aspect of their lives. He explains how America is losing its desire to read or explore education and informative literary sources. He says in his speech, ââ¬Å"America is engaged in the worldââ¬â¢s most ambitious experiment to accommodate itself to the technological distractions made possible by the electric plug. He states statistics that ninety-eight percent of all American homes have a television set and fifty-one percent have two or more television sets in 1984. Heââ¬â¢s main point is that Americans use the television to provide entertainment to all aspects of their world. This includes the news, educational programs, and even religion. He says that, ââ¬Å"television is transforming all serious public business int o junk. America is now forced with creating programs that will catch the attention of an audience that is used to having entertaining aspects in all forms of their life. In order to give a point of view or some other important information, television needs to present it in a way to keep the viewer interested. Neil Postman is afraid that America is starting to lose the ability to engage in discussions and lectures without an entertaining aspect in it. He says, ââ¬Å"America is the worldââ¬â¢s first culture in jeopardy of amusing itself to death. ââ¬
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Leo Burnett Company Essay
Leo Burnett Company- Virtual Team Management Discussion Questions 1. Assume the role of an LB (Traditional) Employee a. Describe your everyday work environment (i.e: think about/discuss how would fill your day, what office environment would be, what would determine your work priorities and the nature of your relationship with your colleagues and your client. -lot of face to face contact by being on 2 to 3 teams and reporting to multiple people -20 to 30 yr olds, 60 hour work weeks, late nights and many hours up and about discussing projects -open concept and social work environment, socialize with colleagues after work b. How is this different from your role as part of the Forever Young team? -less face to face at the end of the project -repeatedly had to explain the basic project components to the senior managers -no collaboration with others, didnââ¬â¢t give them exactly what they need -only six memebers in Forever Young so they have more responsibility and job titles -very formal, kick-off meeting, only met once -Carmichael hoped that they would just follow the communication protocol 2. What are some of the difficulties that the Forever Young global advertising and communication team faces throughout the launch? In London? In Toronto? in Taipei? -could not communicate properly and something simple took 45 minutes of their one hour video-conference -London, the global vice-president for skin care retired without putting a succession plan in place, other personnel changes, both teams had budget problems, wanted to finish ASAP (TV, print ads, HQ for EU, ME, and Asia) -Toronto, the brand team left the agency, Davids did not really want to be in charge, couldnââ¬â¢t change any part of the ad, campaign not successful, blamed UK for having all creation away from the launch, UK says Toronto should have changed the ad to fit the culture/market (Below the Line Ads, not TV print or creative) -Taipei, campaign was successful because the market did not perceive the ad as violent (BTL ads, print) 3. As Janet Carmichael, what do you do now? Do you decentralize the team- why and or why not? -decentralize the team and give more autonomy to Toronto -it is a risk of giving them freedom to choose own advertising ads, but if they stay centralized both teams may fail and the whole project may go under
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Integrating Business prespictive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Integrating Business prespictive - Essay Example To bridge this gap that exist between the job graduate job seekers and potential employers the app we have initiated will be crucial. With this program, graduates can connect with incredible companies that are potential employers. This program is specially designed for graduates to come in contact with employers, and itââ¬â¢s open to all graduates possessing a great attitude and wanting a new job. The program will offer unemployed graduates with an opportunity like no other. Through this program graduates develop job skills, earn training and make fruitful business and personal connections (Horie, 2004). The program is distinctive in the sense that it gets the graduates working. Through this project, graduates earn the much-needed experience in the job market. This project gives the perfect opportunity for the graduates to enter the workforce as well as earning some money. Besides, our program enlightens graduates on the wages that the various industries offered for diverse careers. With this program, graduates earn valuable work experiences, training to enhance once employability and job skills. It also grows their resume and connections with relevant organizations that could be helpful in the future. Since our main objective to solve the unemployment among the graduates, intend to reduce the number of unemployed graduates every year. The problem of labour market mismatch in supply and demand will be our main objective (Wasmer & Weil, 2000). The project starts the process of connecting graduates with the job market right at the various institution of higher learning. Finalists are the key targets of the projects as well as freshly graduated individuals. To ensure equality, a similar number of graduates are picked from various institutions of higher learning and absorbed into the program every year. The main source of revenue for this project is the subscription from various graduates
Monday, August 12, 2019
Organisational behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Organisational behavior - Essay Example The organisation selected for this task in KnowHow, a strategic business unit of Dixons Retail Group. The paper is divided into five sections. Section one is this introduction. Section two begins with a company overview of the Dixons Retail Group that includes a description of the organisationââ¬â¢s human resource management. In the sub-section that follows, the paper introduces and describes the individual who has been identified as a leader within the selected organisation. Section three goes deeper into identifying the traits that make the selected individual a leader. Two different techniques are used to do this. First the paper uses the traits that a modern serial entrepreneur, Penny Herscher, uses to identify leaders within her organisation. The second approach is based on the Golemanââ¬â¢s academically acclaimed emotional intelligence approach. Section four measures the effectiveness of the identified leaderââ¬â¢s leadership style using contingency theories of leaders hip proposed by Fielder, Vroom and Yetton and Lorsch. Section five summarises key points and implications. 2.0. Dixons Retail Group 2.1. Company overview Dixons Retail Group is among Europeââ¬â¢s top specialist electric retailer that that sells consumer electronics, personal computers, photographic equipment, domestic appliances and related services. As at end of 2011 the organisation had over 1,200 stores, in 28 countries in Europe and a workforce of 38,000 staff. Annual revenue for 2011 was UK ?8.15 billion. The group has a portfolio of several brands that are grouped under four geographic divisions: UK & Ireland, Nordics, other international and pure-play e-commerce (Dixons Retail, 2012a). Dixons retail was founded in 1932, made public in 1962 and has grown to its current size largely through making strategic acquisitions. UK & Ireland has been the core market for Dixons Retail and it reflects this by offering the organisationââ¬â¢s most comprehensive end to end service o ffering in electric retailing and services in the UK. The brands managed by this division are: Currys, PC World, Black, DSGi Business, Dixons Travel, Partmaster and KnowHow (Dixons Retail, 2012a). In 2011, the Nordic division ââ¬â with about a third of the number of stores operated by the UK & Ireland division ââ¬â outdid the UK & Ireland division by ?34.3 million in earnings before interest and taxes. There are four brands under the Nordics division: Lefdal, Gigantti, El Giganten and Elkjop brands. The international division consists of four brands: UniEuro and PC City in Italy, Kotsovolos in Greece, and Electro World in the Slovakia, Turkey and Czech Republic. Most of these brands also have dual sales channels that is, through physical stores and online. The segregated e-commerce division is focused on two brands PIXmania and 2.2. Human resource management at Dixons Retail Human resource management (HRM) within an organisation is intricately involved with t he type of leadership that gets nurtured and developed within that given organisation. Human resource (HR) practices create an infrastructure that affects employees, customers, line managers, and investors. When HR practices align with
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